For the new magento community release installation over ssh changed little bit. So if you are ready to try magento configurable color swatches and other new features on the new magento installation, click read more and save your time.
wget wget tar xvf magento- tar xvf magento-sample-data- mv magento-sample-data-* magento/media/ mv magento-sample-data- magento/data.sql mv magento/* magento/.htaccess . mysql -h DBHOST -u DBUSER -pDBPASS DBNAME < data.sql rm -rf *.sample magento/ magento-sample-data- rm -rf magento- magento-sample-data- data.sql /* Wihtout Sample Data */ wget tar xvf magento- mv magento/* magento/.htaccess . rm -rf *.sample magento/ magento-